

Di seguito sono elencati gli ultimi ascolti ordinati dal più recente al più vecchio. D’altra parte, gli ascolti scaduti possono essere letti sulla pagina degli ascolti precedenti.

Ascolti effettuati da Gianni Serra da Roma dal 04 Gennaio al 18 Gennaio 2025

Gianni Serra – Roma-Italy (UTC +1) Equipment: JRC NRD 525 — Sony ICF 2001D (when stated); Alpha Delta DX-SWL Sloper-S antenna for both Receivers; RG 8 mini coaxial cable; JPS NIR 12 Noise & Interference Reducer-Dual DSP audio filter; JRC NVA 319 external speaker unit; Kenwood HS-5 & Sony MDR 101 stereo headphones


4500 CHINA P.R. PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, in listed Mongolian 01.09.2025 1652-1712 (4499.999 – .995 – .999 kHz per UTwente, almost fair), playing local chant, at 1657 music break, man talk, woman talk interspersed by man brief tal at times, slow local music pause, time pips at 1700, man and woman announcements (presumed ID), same woman brief talk, slow local songs, w/ woman brief talk after each track; better in usb/lsb sync, non stop rapid qsb, loudy qrn rustle, almost fair/poor at times; in // 6190 kHz same site, almost fair (6189.995 – .989 kHz per UTwente, fair/almost good) (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5030 PIRATE (Europe) Unidentified Radio 01.14.2025 1831-1844 ( 5030.005 kHz per UTwente, but no audio/barely audible briefly at times w/3.82 kHz audio filter), playing some hard rock songs; better in usb/lsb sync, shaky and rapid qsb, loud qrn rustle and moderate crackles, barely audible/very poor/poor/from 1836:15” circa almost fair/poor at times/ from about 1842 overwhelmed by continuous moderate noise qrm (pres jamming)/ barely audible briefly at times (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5035.01 PIRATE (Europe) Unidentified Radio (Deltracks?) 01.06.2025 1743-1805 (5035.010 – .011 kHz per UTwente, good/very good/good w/ loud audio; then fair w/ moderate qrn rustle/ good), playing various songs and music (disco pop, rock, hard rock, pop songs, techno music), few seconds to 1750 man hinting few unclear words; better in usb/lsb sync, slow qsb at times, loudy qrn rustle, almost fair/poor/ very poor w/ audio up and down the qrn threshold (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5040 PIRATE (Europe) Deltracks (p) 01.16.2025 1729-1747 ( 5040.004 – 5039.999 – 5040.002 – 5040.003 kHz per UTwente, fair/almost good at times), playing various genres of songs (synt pop, disco pop, electro pop, pop, rock) (Billy Idol: Eyes Without a Face, etc); better in usb/lsb sync, rapid no deep qsb, loud qrn rustle and light crackles at times, very poor/poor or no audio at times in ssb sync (on HFU, Ray Lalleu caught ID at 1616 same day and frequency) (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5140 PIRATE (Europe) Deltracks (p) 01.09.2025 1723-1740 ( 5140.003 – .002 – .001 -.002 – .001 kHz per UTwente, fair/almost good w/ 4.20 kHz audio filter), playing various genres of songs and and music (rock, pop, rockabilly, etc), woman brief unclear announcement about 20 seconds past 1730; better in usb/lsb sync, rapid shaky no deep qsb, loudy qrn rustle, poor/almost fair at times (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5839.99 PIRATE (Europe) Unidentified Radio 01.18.2025 *1818-1845 ( 5839.988 – .989 – .990 kHz per UTwente, almost fair/fair at times/poor/very poor), s/ on and beating non stop long tracks of electro pop songs and electro music only; better in usb/lsb sync, non stop rapid no deep qsb, loudy qrn rustle, almost fair/poor (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5845.01 PIRATE (Europe) Unidentified Radio 01.12.2025 1744-1801 (5845.008 – .009 kHz per UTwente, good/almost good w/ loud audio; fair/almost fair at times because sporadic splats), playing many electro pop songs, w/ man dj brief unclear talk after first track heard; better in usb/lsb sync, shaky and rapid qsb, loud qrn rustle, poor/very poor/almost fair at times (Serra,Roma,Italy)

6184.98 UNIDENTIFIED Unidentified Radio (EuroPirate RealMix Radio? Or else private Radio Piepzender, The Netherlands?) 01.04.2025 2046-2105 ( 6184.979 – .978 kHz per UTwente, almost fair/fair / poor at times w/ 4.62 kHz audio filter), playing a rock song, from 2051:15” circa man unclear talk until 2052:41”, two rock (?) songs, some seconds past 2158 same man unclear talk, playing other lively songs; audible in usb sync only, non stop rapid qsb, loudy qrn rustle, from 2100 qrm light/moderate splats, barely audible/ no audio at times/ from about 2051, heard barely audible at times in lsb sync too (Serra,Roma,Italy)

7719.99 CLANDESTINE Echo of Hope-VoH, in Korean 01.18.2025 1727-1750 ( 7719.997 – . 995 kHz per UTwente, fair), man and woman talk in turns, other man talk, w/ brief music breaks, woman talk over slow music, at about 1733:20” man chatting with a woman, woman talk over slow piano music, slow song, at 1740 man announcements, brief music pause, then playing some slow songs, interspersed by man talk; better in usb/lsb sync, non stop rapid qsb, moderate rustle qrn, fair/almost good; // 6250 kHz poor/very poor w/ loud rustle qrn (6249.995 kHz per UTwente, fair); // 4885 kHz heard in usb sync w/ inter filter to nullify a very loud noise qrm, poor/very poor (4885.003 kHz per UTwente, almost fair) (Serra,Roma,Italy)

15700.01 DENMARK World Music Radio, Randers 01.12.2025 1451-1515 (15700.011 kHz per UTwente, poor/almost fair at times w/ 3.82 kHz audio filter), ongoing various genres of lively and slow songs (afropop, Lat Am pop, and mostly reggae songs and music, etc); better in usb/lsb sync, shaky smeter needle w/ non stop rapid or slower qsb, loudy to moderate qrn rustle when fading, almost fair/poor at times/ from about 1500, fair/almost good (Serra,Roma,Italy)


Ascolti effettuati da Eugenio Bertone di Novara dall’ 1 al 9 Gennaio 2025

6115  RADIO CONGO,06.01.2025,1215-1230.SINPO 11111

7350  RADIO CINA INTERNAZIONALE in Inglese. 01.01.2025,1330,Notizie, SINPO 44444

9710 RADIO VATICANA in Rumeno.05.01.2025,0820-0835,Santa Messa, SINPO 33333

12005 RADIO FARDA in Inglese.02.01.2025,1410-1420, Programma musicale,SINPO 44444

17570 DEUTSCHE WELLE in Arabo,07.01.2025,1215-1230.SINPO 22222
17780 RADIO XI WANG ZHI SHENG – SOUND OF HOPE in Coreano,03.01.2025,0830-0840,Programma Musicale,SINPO 44444

Eugenio Bertone (Novara) RX Tecsun PL 368 con antenna telescopica


Ascolti effettuati da Gianni Serra da Roma il 29 Dicembre 2024

Gianni Serra – Roma-Italy (UTC +1) Equipment: JRC NRD 525 — Sony ICF 2001D (when stated); Alpha Delta DX-SWL Sloper-S antenna for both Receivers; RG 8 mini coaxial cable; JPS NIR 12 Noise & Interference Reducer-Dual DSP audio filter; JRC NVA 319 external speaker unit; Kenwood HS-5 & Sony MDR 101 stereo headphones


5880.02  PIRATE (Europe) Radio Rock Revolution 12.29.2024 0610-0628 (5880.020 – .019 – .020 kHz per UTwente, barely audible/very poor/no audio briefly at time w/ 3.82 kHz audio filter), playing hard rock songs and rock music, at 0616 presumed woman ID, man dj hoarsely ID at 0622 (Radio…Rock…Revolution); better in usb/lsb sync, non stop moderate rapid no deep qsb, loudy qrn rustle, poor/almost fair at times (Serra,Roma,Italy)

9670  GERMANY SuperClan Radio via Radio Channel 292, Rohrbach Waal, in English 12.29.2024 0909-0952 ( 9670.2.. .1.. .02. – .000 – .001 etc kHz non stop variable frequency per UTwente, very good w/ loud audio), playing fine lively and slow songs (rock,hard rock,disco pop,pop etc), sometimes interspersed by man dj talk at outro and after tracks (ment Radio Veronica in the Netherlands, and presumed ID at times, no caught well; clear ID as Superclan Radio at 0934), brief announcement by woman over lively music at 0915, ID as Superclan Radio by woman at 0937, at 0946 unclear ID by woman over loud music (only clear …Radio); good/almost good/fair at times in usb/lsb sync w/ loud audio; almost good/fair at times in am w/ non stop rapid qsb and light-moderate qrn rustle (Serra,Roma,Italy)

11510  CLANDESTINE Free North Korea Radio (p), listed via Uzbekistan, in Korean 12.29.2024 1306-1324 (11509.998 – .997 – .998 kHz per UTwente, fair/almost good), long speech by man until 1313:45” circa, then long talk by woman till 1320, man brief talk over slow music, other man and woman talk in turns till 1322:23”, brief chant and woman and man talk, at 1324 slow music; better in usb/lsb sync, non stop rapid qsb, loudy qrn rustle, almost fair/poor briefly at times (Serra,Roma,Italy)

12055  CHINA P.R. China Nat. Radio (t), Lingshi, in Kazakh? 12.29.2024 0644-0655 (12055.005 kHz per UTwente, poor w/ 4.62 kHz audio filter), playing slow typical instrumental music and slow chants (not usual Chinese music and chant), woman brief unclear talk at times, from about 45 seconds to 0655 man unclear talk; better in usb sync, non stop rapid fluttering no deep qsb, loudy qrn rustle, poor/very poor/ from 0655 no audio w/ weak signal (Serra,Roma,Italy)

15699.99  DENMARK World Music Radio, Randers, in Danish 12.29.2024 1406-1428 (15699.994 – .995 – .994 kHz per UTwente, poor/very poor at times w/ 3.82 kHz audio filter), playing reggae songs, w/ woman brief announcement at about 1410, man announcement and ID at about 1421, then a lively afropop song and Lat Am lively song; better in usb/lsb sync, non stop rapid and deep qsb, strong qrn, fair/almost good w/ loud audio; in // 25800.02 kHz, Mårslet, Aarhus site, poor/almost fair/fair at times (Serra,Roma,Italy)


Ascolti effettuati da Gianni Serra da Roma dal 26 Novembre al 22 Dicembre 2024

Gianni Serra – Roma-Italy (UTC +1)  Equipment: JRC NRD 525 — Sony ICF 2001D (when stated); Alpha Delta DX-SWL Sloper-S antenna for both Receivers; RG 8 mini coaxial cable; JPS NIR 12 Noise & Interference Reducer-Dual DSP audio filter; JRC NVA 319 external speaker unit; Kenwood HS-5 & Sony MDR 101 stereo headphones.


4500  CHINA P.R. PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, in listed Mongolian 12.08.2024 0237-0254 (4500.001 – .000 kHz per UTwente, fair), lyric song, woman man brief talk in turns, slow music pauses w/ man announcements and talk, woman and man talk in turns interspersed by slow local music pauses, slow local song,music break, woman and man talk in turns, man talk;  better in usb/lsb sync, non stop almost slow to rapid qsb, loudy qrn, almost fair/poor at times/ from about 0249 until 0252:04” almost overwhelmed by rapid beating qrm (pres jamming);  in // 6190 kHz, same site, fair / almost good in ssb sync (Serra,Roma,Italy)

4560.01  CLANDESTINE Voice of the People, in Korean 12.15.2024  1932-1959 ( 4560.008 – . 011 kHz per UTwente, barely audible/ audio comes and goes w/  3.47 kHz audio filter),  woman and man chatting, brief slow music pause, man talk until 1948, brief chant, man talk, typical far east chant;  better in usb/lsb sync, non stop rapid qsb, loudy qrn,poor/very poor at times;  in // 3910 kHz very poor – // 6520.01 kHz poor – // 6600 kHz very poor/poor  (Serra,Roma,Italy)

4765  TAJIKISTAN Tajik Radio, Dushanbe-Yangiyul, in listed Tajik, 11.28.2024 0029-0049 (4765.001 kHz per UTwente, poor w/ 4.62 kHz audio filter), typical local chants, woman talk interspersed by some local slow music breaks, other woman announcement w/ music breaks, then a long speech by man (no much clear), w/ many local slow music breaks; better in usb/lsb sync, non stop rapid and deep fluttering qsb, strong qrn, poor (Serra,Roma,Italy)

4939.99  VENEZUELA or COLOMBIA Estacíon/Onda Corta 4940 (t), in Spanish 11.29.2024 0425-0441 (4939.987 – .981 kHz per UTwente, barely audible at times w/ 3.15 kHz audio filter; from 0440 overwhelmed by strong wavering noise), unclear talk by man, presumed other man or woman briefly talk at times; better in usb/lsb sync w/ inter filter, non stop rapid fluttering qsb, strong qrn rustle, very poor/barely audible; from 0441 overwhelmed by a loud noise wavering slowly (birdies?) (Serra,Roma,Italy)

4950  PIRATE (Europe) Mystery 21, in English 12.06.2024 0325-0334:13″ (4950.000 kHz per UTwente, barely audible at times w/ 3,15 kHz audio filter), playing two rock songs, at 0329 man dj ID and brief announcement (Hello to everyone, this is Mystery Twenty One…..) , dj w/ final announcement some seconds past 0333, brief cw pips, carrier on only and s/ off at 0334:13″; better in usb/lsb sync, rapid no deep fluttering qsb, moderate qrn rustle, fair (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5039,98  PIRATE (Europe) Unidentified Radio 12.09.2024 0532-0600 (5039,981 – .982 – .981 – .982 kHz per UTwente, very poor/ barely audible/ no audio w/ 4.62 kHz audio filter), broadcasting various genres of songs (rock, hard rock, techno, a carol, etc) , w/ man brief unclear talk at times after a track; better in Usb/Lsb sync (mostly heard in Lsb sync), rapid see-saw/fluttering qsb, loudy qrn rustle, poor/very poor/ no audio briefly at times/from few seconds to 0554 almost fair/poor at times (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5780.01  PIRATE (Europe) Unidentified Radio (Radio Mystery?) 12.04.2024 0529-0610 (5780.007 – .008 – .007 – .006 – .007 kHz per UTwente, very good/good /almost good at times w/ loud audio), ongoing a disco dance song and long tracks of techno music and techno songs, at 0601 woman hinted few unclear words over music; non stop rapid fluttering qsb (no much deep), moderate (louder at time) qrn rustle, almost good/fair at times in am and usb/lsb sync w/ loud audio and S 9+10 of peak (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5830.01  PIRATE (Europe) Unidentified Radio 12.07.2024 0529-0602 (5830.008 – .007 kHz per UTwente, almost fair/fair), ongoing pop songs, techno music, techno songs (Spandau Ballet: True; Vasco Rossi: Una Splendida Giornata; etc); non stop rapid fluttering and no much deep qsb, light to moderate qrn rustle,good/almost good/sometimes fair in am w/ loud audio and S9+15 of peak/ good/almost good at times in usb/lsb sync (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5880.01  PIRATE (Europe) Radio Rock Revolution 11.26.2024 0525-0541 ( 5880.013 – .014 – .013 kHz per UTwente, but no audio/barely audible at times w/ 4.20 kHz audio filter), playing fine rock songs, man ID w/ normal voice at 0528 and at 0537; listened in am, wobble S-meter LED needle w/ slow and deep qsb at times, light to stronger qrn rustle in am when fading, almost good/ fair / poor when fading (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5880.01  PIRATE (Europe) Radio Rock Revolution 12.12.2024 0159-0230 (5880.009 kHz per UTwente,no audio/barely audible briefly at times w/ 3.47 kHz audio filter), playing rock and hard rock songs, man hoarsely ID at 0159, at 0206 woman ID and man dj hoarsely ID, other IDs after some tracks; better in usb/lsb sync, slow no deep qsb at times,loudy qsb, poor/very poor /almost fair at times/from 0220 almost good w/ S9+10 almost steady (increased Tx power?) (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5939.71  BRAZIL Rádio Voz Missionária,Camboriú SC,in Portuguese 12.20.2024 0530-0551 (5939.712v kHz per UTwente, w/ qrn splats, poor w/ 2.87 kHz audio filters), man rel sermon, w/ other talk at times by pres man (no clear), till 0539, slow music pause, and same man announcement, continuing w/ talk program, slow music pause and announcement, rel talk w/ emphasis presumed by man, man brief announcements w/ slow music pauses, slow song; better in usb/lsb, non stop rapid and deep qsb, loudy qrn rustle, poor; in // 9665.01 kHz fair (Serra,Roma,Italy)

5954.99  NETHERLANDS Radio Veronica, Westdorpe/Overslag, in Dutch 12.14.2024 0511-0542 (steady 5954.987 kHz per UTwente, but only qrn and no audio), broadcasting music program w/ various genres of old hit songs (Duran Duran: Notorious; Bruce Springsteen: Born in the U.S.A.; etc), interspersed by women jingle ID, from 0529:30″ circa woman IDs, two men and woman announcements, women jingle ID, then faint carrier on only for about two minutes, again on air w/ a pop dance song, man ID at 0535, continuing w/ music program; shaky signal w/ slow no deep qsb at times, moderate qrn (stronger when fading) almost fair/poor/very poor or no audio at times in usb/lsb sync; almost fair/fair/ poor at times in am/ from around 0535/0540 very poor/audio comes and goes (Serra,Roma,Italy)

6140.06v  NETHERLANDS Radio Onda (p) 12.22.2024 0605- 0626 (6140.060 – .053 kHz per UTwente, barely audible briefly at times w/ 3.82 kHz audio filter/no audio), playing a slow romantic song, woman brief unclear announcement at about 0610, presumed a bit longer unclear talk by man, continuing w/ various slow and lively songs, interspersed w/ a brief announcement by woman; better in usb/lsb sync, non stop wobbly Smeter led needle almost steady (S9+5+ of peak), loudy qrn rustle, poor/almost fair at times/ then very poor/poor at times in ssb sync; very poor /no audio at times in am (website in French: < > <égales > mentioning Tx site in The Netherlands) (Serra,Roma,Italy)

6184.96  MEXICO XEPPM-OC Radio Educación-Cultura México Señal Internacional (p), Mexico City, in Spanish 12.17.2024 0350-0427 (6184.965 – .966 kHz per UTwente, very poor/poor at times w/ 4.20 kHz audio filter) playing lively and slow music tracks, interspersed by man and woman unclear talk w/ Spanish accent, at 0358 man talk for some seconds and then non stop slow and lively songs; better in usb/lsb sync, non stop rapid no much deep qsb, loudy qrn rustle, poor/almost fair briefly at times in ssb sync; poor/very poor in am (Serra,Roma,Italy)

6190  CHINA P.R. PBS Xinjiang (p), Urumqi, in listed Mongolian 12.02.2024 0251-0309 (6190.002 kHz per UTwente, almost fair/fair, w/ moderate splats), man talk interspersed by some slow music breaks until 0256, music breaks, and other man talk, typical local slow songs, time pips at 0300, brief slow IS music pause, man and woman announcements and talk by two men in turns (pres news); better in usb/lsb sync, non stop rapid fluttering no deep qsb, moderate to stronger qrn rustle,fair/almost fair/poor at times (Serra,Roma,Italy)

6209.97  PIRATE (Europe) Unidentified Radio 12.21.2024 1728- 1731* ( 6209.972 kHz per UTwente, poor w/ 4.62 kHz audio filter), playing lively pop music, w/ man dj brief unclear talk, s/ off at 1731; listened in usb sync w/ inter audio filter, loudy qrn rustle, very poor (Serra,Roma,Italy)

6284.98  PIRATE (Europe) Unidentified Radio 12.13.2024 1524-1532* circa (6284.979 – .980 kHz per UTwente,very good), playing two hard rock songs interspersed w/ a slow romantic song, from about 1530 carrier on only, s/ off about two minutes later; listened again on air at 1540 slightly shifted in frequency, w/ ongoing an oldie slow romantic song (Can’t Help Falling In Love), pulled the plug few seconds past 1541* better in usb/lsb sync, wobbler signal w/ slow no deep qsb at times, moderate qrn rustle, almost good (Serra,Roma,Italy)